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It can be hard to get a handle on how much freshly-ground beans compare to a single-serve pod machine. A study done by the New York Times concluded that k-cup coffee winds up costing roughly $50 per pound. that's easily more than double what a typical bag of beans or freshly ground coffee costs. If you love Arbuckle's Gourmet Coffee but enjoy the convenience of single serving coffee, We encourage you to purchase a reusable k-cup coffee filter for under $9 so you can enjoy the best of both worlds.
When you use Arbuckles Coffee in your single-serve K-cups, your cost per cup is less than a dime! - happy sipping!
© 2002 Arbuckle's Fine Roasted Coffees
745 East Railroad Avenue
Verona, P.A. 15147
Tel: (412) 826-0533
Fax: (412) 826-0544